BEE Star Rating

There is an immense scope to save energy through retrofits and improvements in existing buildings. Energy Audit Studies have revealed a savings potential to the extent of 40% in end-use such as lighting, cooling, ventilation, refrigeration etc.

BEE has developed a star rating for buildings to help the owner/occupant to benchmark their performance. The Star Rating programme for existing buildings is based on the actual performance of a building in terms of its specific energy usage in kWh/sqm/year.

This programme rates buildings on a 1-5 Star scale, with 5 Star labelled buildings being the most efficient. So far, about 150 buildings have been rated under various categories. BEE Star Rating is available for Offices, Malls, BPOs & Hospitals.

To know more about how Ela Green Buildings can help you achieve BEE Star Rating for your building, contact us here.